If you need access to the old version of this course for some reason, you have two options!
Option 1: The old course will be available forever, in a new private course. This is the best option! Just click this link and enroll
Option 2: You can download it from this lecture. For each section, there is a ZIP file containing both videos (MP4 files) and English captions (VTT files). You can find them at the end of this lecture
Here is some more information about the download:
The total download size is 2.8 GB, so make sure you have a good internet connection
Start by downloading the course-structure PDF for an overview of all sections and all download sizes
Course materials and code are still on GitHub (v1 branch)
As mentioned earlier, I recommend that you abandon the old course as soon as possible, and focus on the new material. You will find a migration guide at the beginning of the course
If you have any question about the old course material, please post it below this lecture
If you want to watch the videos with captions, I suggest watching them with the free VLC video player, where captions will load automatically.